
The world’s best digital governments have embraced fully digital delivery of all their content.

Revealr Digital Twin technology enables Government agencies to digitalise information at scale.


Revealr eliminates Word and PDF documents attached to web pages, requiring long downloads, and inaccessible on a mobile.

Government content is delivered to stakeholders in digitally consumable form, on any device, in any language – all WCAG 2.1AA compliant. 

Revealr Government Solution Suite

Digitalise documents at scale

Automatically digitalises Word and PDF documents, reports, guidelines, regulations, advisories – to enriched web pages, eliminating downloads.

Preserves all source documents in your document repository

Creates a web based digital twin of the original document.

Instant translation into over 100 languages, WCAG 2.1AA compliant.

Eliminates version control issues. The digital twin always points to the latest version

Applies Ai tools in a secure environment to reveal, analyse and explain the content.

Policies Re-imagined
Policies and Procedures Online

Transforms policies and procedures into dynamic, enriched web pages at scale

Eliminates version control issues. The Digital Twin always points to the latest version.

Instant translation into over 100 languages, WCAG 2.1AA compliant.

Accessible on any device, online and offline.

Automatically builds relationships between policies, procedures and regulations.

Applies Ai tools to reveal, explain and analyse content

Digital meeting papers

Digitalises meeting papers into fully-interactive, secure websites

Eliminates PDF downloads. All content in easy to navigate web pages

One click to any meeting paper. No long scrolling and searching

Accessible on any device, in any language offline and online

Integrate all relevant regulations to track compliance

Applies Ai tools to securely query and analyse content

No per user licence fees, affordable for agencies of any size

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Learn how Revealr Digital Twin can unlock your content trapped in Word and PDF – reducing cost and risk, and applying AI in a secure trusted environment