Revealr Policies Re-Imagined

Re-imagining Policy Management for CPS 230

Are your policies and procedures trapped in an outdated policy management system that cannot cope with the requirements of CPS 230?

Legacy PDF based systems are no longer fit for purpose in managing operational risk.

Policies Re-imagined by Revealr – The Solution for CPS 230 readiness

With Policies Re-imagined:

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Connect with our Revealr team to accelerate your CPS 230 readiness. Policies Re-Imagined Features

A URL for every page

Every page of content has its own URL, and is instantly accessible.

Automatic Classification

Every page has a tag cloud showing the key terms on that page – enabling filtered, highly accurate search.

Automatic Linking

Content is automatically contextualised with related pages, sections or videos a click or two away.

Instant Translation into 100 Languages

With one click web pages are translated into the customer’s language of choice.


All content is optimised for readability on a mobile device.

PDF Option

Regulations frequently require a PDF output for content – a standard revealr feature.


Transform works at scale – 100-page document becomes 100 web pages in less than 2 minutes.

Friendly User Interface

revealr publishing Console is designed for the non-technical user. Limited training required.

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Learn how Revealr Digital Twin can unlock your content trapped in Word and PDF – reducing cost and risk, and applying AI in a secure trusted environment