There’s an elephant in the room that’s wreaking havoc in organisations

Duplicate Documents

The problem is document duplication and proliferation and the difficulty of finding the most up to date version to guide decision. This document deluge is hindering productivity, increasing costs – and most importantly, increasing risk arising from non-compliance with regulations. Consider the following statistics Revealr offers a solution with our Digital Twin technology, a web-based […]

Digital Twin – It’s all About Trust 

Digital Twin – It’s all About Trust

At Revealr, we’ve seen organisations duplicate critical documents across multiple repositories and devices. This not only makes content difficult to find, but leaves users in the dark as to which is the correct version.  When decision makers lose confidence in the currency and integrity of documents organisations are at risk of making ill-informed decisions. The […]

Frictionless Documents

Frictionless documents

Make FY25 the Year for Frictionless Documents  Every day organisations continue to lock their knowledge away in Word and PDF documents – formats that can’t be distributed or consumed digitally. Invariably, these PDFs need to be downloaded. This is not a digitalised experience – it is fraught with friction·      Users hunt through drives and folders·      Material is […]

The Genesis of Digital Twin – Sometimes the simplest Ideas are the best

Digital Twin

While we’re living in the age of instant information- a click away from what we need – this does not hold true for documents, where we still store most of our knowledge. We continue to download content from websites, intranets, Google Drive and SharePoint – not as clickable web pages, but as PDF downloads. And […]

The Power of One Syllable – Digitisation vs Digitalisation

Digitisation vs Digitalisation

Digitisation and digitalisation are frequently used interchangeably. But the single additional syllable in the latter term has enormous significance.  These terms  do not have the same meaning. Understanding the difference is critical to digital transformation success. Digitisation converts information from a physical format to a digital version – Word and PDF formats are simply digitised […]

Restructure Your Technical Debt

Technical Debt

Technical debt is the cost of propping up legacy systems when an investment in new technology would deliver a lower cost, lower risk and higher productivity outcome.  And, like financial debt, the longer the debt builds up, the more costly it is to rectify.  Technical debt is a systemic issue with organisations in both the […]

It’s Time for Documents to be Disrupted

Digital Documents

The internet has disrupted every content rich industry – delivering real time access, online. Netflix enabled real time access to movies and tv shows – a significant change from physical DVDs. Spotify popularised music streaming – shifting the music industry away from CDs, enabling users to access just the music they wanted to consume on […]

Solving the Problem of Document Proliferation

Document Proliferation

“I can’t find the document I need” “We have too many repositories” “We don’t know which is the right version” Does this sound familiar? Consider the following statistics These issues are only magnified in the new world of remote working. The deluge is wreaking havoc on organisations – hindering productivity, increasing costs – and most […]

Why Digital Twin will change how you think about documents

Digital Twin

The term “digital twin” dates back 20 years – referring to digital representations of physical products –in industries including manufacturing, energy, and healthcare.  But Digital Twin has not been applied to the world’s knowledge – trapped in Word and PDF documents – until now. revealr now offers digital twin technology for documents – creating a […]

Digital Twin for Documents Has Arrived

Digital Twin for documents

The term “digital twin” has been around for some 20 years – referring to digital representations of physical products –in industries including manufacturing, energy, healthcare. The digital twin is a virtual model of a physical asset or process. But Digital Twin has not been applied to the world’s knowledge – trapped in Word and PDF […]

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Learn how Revealr Digital Twin can unlock your content trapped in Word and PDF – reducing cost and risk, and applying AI in a secure trusted environment